
Showing posts from August, 2022

What Makes a Great Product Page?

 What Makes a Great Product Page?   E-Commerce There are so many components to a great product page, there isn’t space to cover them all here. However, there a few critical factors that can mean the difference between making a sale and losing one. If your product pages fail to meet these basic standards, you could be in trouble. The Right Keywords If you don’t get your keywords right, you’re making yourself invisible. What’s the right keyword? It’s the one people search for when they’re looking for your product. For example, if you sell regulation size soccer balls, and you list it as ‘ball’ or even just ‘soccer ball,’ you’re losing out on traffic and sales. If you aren’t comfortable doing your own keyword research, a professional ecommerce SEO agency can help. A Clear Path to Purchase Some big retailers clutter up their product pages with a  lot of extra options and tangential information, which has encouraged many small businesses to follow suit. This is a mistake! Big ...